No product limitation
No matter how many SKUs you have, there is no limit in the full version.
Output Containers
Individual output containers compile the data as your customers need it.
Software as a Service
All in, including hosting, database, traffic.
Colors and logo
Your logo and primary and secondary color integrated on your request.
Publication periods and automatic archiving possible.
2FA and Logout timer
Full security and automatic logout after a certain time if desired.
PIN function
Send product data baskets to external users via PIN link.
Unlimited users
Internal and external users without limitation and with authorization system.
Product relations
Based on an ID (GTIN, item number etc.) products are automatically linked.
Media relations
If you also use our dynamicDAM®, media will be automatically linked by ID (GTIN, item number).
Traffic light indicator
Define on field level which fields have to be filled to reach a completeness level.
Add ons
From automatic text generation via the retresco text engine to workflows and API.
Unlimited users
No matter how many users you want to activate. No matter if internal or external. From the full version there is no limit. All with authorization logic.
API = Application Program Interface. Essential functions of the application can be accessed via an interface. User authorization also applies here.
Individual Output Container
The output containers can offer customer-specific e.g. Excel files for download, which are structured exactly as required by the respective customer. Also with authorization logic.
Automatic product relations
Products can be linked with an ID (GTIN, item number, etc.). This way, products with the same ID are automatically linked. In addition, the manual assignment is retained.
FAQ - Important questions at a glance
PIM = Product Information Management. The purpose of such systems is the central data storage of all data related to a mostly physical product. For example, logistical data for the retail trade as well as all marketing texts and structural data that describe a product and/or provide data that are necessary for the listing of products in the retail trade. The aim is to have these available in one final place and then to be able to distribute them optimally.
With dynamicPIM® we are not in direct competition with the international systems. Rather, we extend them by an essential functionality. Our system is the “window to the outside”, so to speak. It pulls all necessary data from the global systems, no matter how many sources there are and how strongly they are networked. In large corporations, these are often internal PIM systems. Our solution networks these product data with all media data (with dynamicDAM®) and makes everything available to service providers or partners in an up-to-date form. The authorization logic helps to ensure that only the data is available that the respective target group should also receive. Using our individual output containers, data can be prepared in such a way that it corresponds exactly to the specifications of the respective retail partner. In smaller structures, i.e. for companies that do not have a large and international product range, our solution is also perfectly sufficient for collecting and releasing product data.
Yes, that’s what we do. We are a digital agency. So we are PIM consultants and PIM implementers. We always recommend an analysis of the requirements situation first. This can be a concrete briefing or a workshop to find out what is needed and which solution fits. This does not always have to be our system. It may turn out in this analysis that another solution fits better. We are open here, know the market exactly and recommend the best solution. Independent of our products.
Our content team is happy to take care of all content. From pure content maintenance of product information to optimization of content such as clipping, image manipulation or other services. These services must be discussed with us in the application case and are based on our hourly rates or a retainer agreement.
Das reine PIM-System sieht nur ein Leading Picture des Produktes vor. Um beide Welten (Produktdaten und Mediendaten) optimal zu bedienen, empfehlen wir das Zusammenspiel von unserem PIM-System und unserem DAM-System. Das machen übrigens ca. 90% unserer Kunden so. Die nahtlose Integration der Systeme, der Aufbau auf der gleichen technologischen Basis und die absolut identische Usability sorgen dafür, dass die Bedienung sehr einfach und schnell klappt. Dazu hilft die Vernetzung eine optimalen Überblick über alle verfügbaren Daten pro SKU zu erhalten.
Yes, there is a limit to the SKU (product quantities) that can be stored in the system. We will be happy to provide more detailed information here. In the standard version there are up to 1,000 products, beyond that there is no limit in the performance version. Enterprise differs beyond that only in the use as international variant. The range of functions is the same for all of them.
dynamicPIM® has a mandatory term of one year, followed by a further term of one year. The cancellation must be received by us in the second time year three months before the end of the term.
PIM system. Store and distribute product data.
Convinced? Then book a consultation appointment directly. We'll show you the essential functions in 30 minutes or take more time for a detailed consultation.